After putting together all the entries, I had 250+!! So my thanks to everyone who took the time out to enter my contest, especially for those who tried to answer all of them! I had a fantastic birthday and really enjoyed this contest with all of you! Thanks for all your input, support, comments, & feedback! I really really appreciated all of it!
And now, without further ado, here are the winners, picked with assistance from a random # generator!
The winner of the signed copy of The Debs is Lucile!
The winner of a signed copy of Kandide and the Secret of the Mists (plus a poster & bookmark) is Mari!
The winner of a signed copy of Severed Ties is Rachael (a.k.a. The Book Muncher)!
The two winners of signed copies of The Elite are Alessandra and Jean. B.!
[EDIT] Unfortunately there was a bit of a misunderstanding so Liviania has been added to the winners' list for a copy of The Elite.
Winners, please drop me a line at bookvault@yahoo.com with your address so I can get your prizes out to you! Please email me by Sept. 3rd, or I'll be forced to pick new winners.
Thank you to all publishers & authors who donated copies of their book for this contest!!
Congrats to all the winners! Thanks to everyone who took the time out to enter the contest—I really wish I could’ve given you all prizes!
Oh, and since some of you were interested in the answers to the riddles, here they are, in the order that they were put up on different blogs:
- The Book Vault
A young couple, a face-paced romance, a balcony scene, ill fated love, and death.
What book is this? Romeo and Juliet (William Shakespeare)
- Reviewer X
When this relationship goes wrong,
The boy writes a song,
Once this tune hits airwaves,
There’s a brand new craze!
What book is this? Audrey, Wait! (Robin Benway)
The main character, a boy wizard, whose name is also part of the title, outwitted the villain who tried to kill him numerous times.
We learn an interesting story and truth behind an oversized canine in this novel—what book is this? Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (J.K. Rowling)
The circles of hell hold tortures and punishment for different sinners.
The author takes a journey to this treacherous place with a renowned poet.
What book is this? The Inferno (Dante Alighieri) [I also accepted The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri)
Discovered during her shift at the local movie cinema, this starlet is flown to NYC for the first time and is soon the new face in fashion.
But an older model, whose name begins with the same let as the starring character, is not too pleased with this new threat. And this new starlet realizes fame has a darker side too…
What book is this? Violet on the Runway (Melissa Walker)
She was #71 until she and her friends found a way to get her higher on the food chain. But the main character learns that the popular crowd might be full of more betrayals than glamour and true friends.
What book is this? The Market (J.M. Steele)
- Bookluver-Carol
Two boys, who are not the simple humans they may seem to be, vie for a girl’s interest, but the one who was first in her heart leaves her behind in this novel—what book is this? New Moon (Stephanie Meyer)
- Book Review Maniac
Vitrified for 10 years, the main character has trouble adjusting to her new life—especially since her formerly younger sister is now older—and married with a kid of her own. But her crush from 10 years ago, who was also vitrified, is about to rediscover the world with her.
What book is this? I was a teenage popsicle (Bev Katz Rosenbaum)
- And Another Book Read
The imperfects are sent away and a crumpledwing faery cannot rule the land in this novel.
But the heir to the throne may have something to say about that soon, after she learns more about acceptance and selflessness!
What book is this? Kandide and the Secret of the Mists (Diana Zimmerman)
You better not fall asleep next to the main character of this book—or your dreams won’t be private any more!
Which book is this? Wake (Lisa McMann)
- Books and Love
These girls are picking up their skirts and running through London trying to demystify the shadowy past of a dark gentlemen and trying to save their friend from an unwanted marriage so their ball can go on!
What book is this? La Petite Four ( Regina Scott)
Four girls eagerly await their invitations into the event they’ve been waiting for all their life. Three are the closest of pals while the other is the snotty, meddling queen bee of the school.
But when some mishaps and drama ensues, will these four girls really be able to be “rosebuds” and debut?
What book is this? The Debs (Susan McBride)
- The Book Vault
The past may just come back to bite you.
A young lady seems to have it all—a hot boyfriend, brains, and a job at the town’s most popular restaurant. But if she’s with the boy she’s been crushing on since before high school, why the heck is she making out with another boy behind the restaurant where she works?! And if she’s so perfect and happy, why the heck does she keep lying to cover things up?!
And when a guy from her past comes back and has transformed from a nerd to a total hottie, things may just take a turn for the worse and be more confusing!
What book is this? Pants on Fire (Meg Cabot)
A community of genetically blind (they chose to be that way) exists harmoniously—or so it seems. Not long after a young boy in the community turns 13, he realizes that for some miraculous reason, has regained his sight. The community is not as peaceful as it seems—there are thieves, hypocrites, and other wrong doers. Now he must decide what to do, now that he has a gift that separates himself from the rest of his community.
Which book is this? Truesight (David Stahler Jr.)
- The Book Muncher
A girl moves in with a relative in the Big Apple when her mother goes off to do research for her latest project. The leading lady of this story runs into the most popular, designer-clothes wearing girls in town on her first day! They happen to live in the same apartment buildings as she does! She eventually befriends this popular trio, but can hardly afford to keep up with these rich girls. Things don’t get any better when the queen bee’s ex-boyfriend starts going after the new girl.
Which book is this? The Elite (Jennifer Banash)
She was less talked about than her infamous sister, but she and her sister shared the same thing with a certain well-known figure from Great Britain , who was known for his numerous spouses and some drastic political moves. This novel features the girl who was overshadowed by her ambitious sister.
Which book is this? The Other Bolyen Girl (Philippa Gregory)
- Midnight Twilights Book Blog
Alyss is most certainly not living in the perfect Wonderland at the moment—especially not with her power-hungry aunt trying to steal the throne!
What book is this? The Looking Glass Wars (Frank Beddor)
- Jennifer Banash’s blog
Dead teenagers around the US …aren’t staying dead. They’re coming back for a second chance at life, but are heavily discriminated against.
Which book is this? Generation Dead (Daniel Waters)
Falsely accused of a crime, this teenage boy is sent to a “camp” where he must dig a hole of specific dimensions each day. Is there more to this drill than the character-correcting & character-building that the warden claims it’s for?
Which book is this? Holes (Louis Sachar)
Not comfortable with herself because she’s neither pure asian nor pure white, this girl goes to math camp for the summer and writes her issues and thoughts down in the form of math proofs. But when the other camp kids think her exotic and fantastic, this girl may just have a thing or two to learn about herself and finally accepting herself for who she is, inside and out.
Which book is this? Nothing but the Truth (and a few white lies) (Justina Chen Headley)
- In Bed with Books,
A girl learns that she has psychic abilities and is asked to help find several missing children by a young cop. During her second mission, she is left shaken and does not wish to help find a group of kids that have been missing. But if she does not help, they may never come home.
Which book is this? The Third Eye (Lois Duncan)
In this supposedly peaceful and perfect community, all the memories of things that would otherwise disturb this otherwise perfect community are passed down through a chosen Receiver each generation.
Which book is this? The Giver (Lois Lowry)
- Melissa Walker's blog
This tree has been there for a special little boy all throughout his life—from his days as a young spirited boy until the day he was old, helping him and providing him with what he wanted most, until she has seemingly nothing left to give.
Which book is this? The Giving Tree (Shel Silverstein)
A young Hindu girl is widowed shortly after her arranged marriage was completed. Her parents-in-law’s main motive was not for their son to get married, but for them to get a dowry from the girl’s family so they could afford a trip for him to bathe in holy waters in a far-off city and hopefully be healed. But when this plan fails and her sickly husband dies, the girl’s selfish mother-in-law quickly abandons her in a city and this young girl struggles to get by. But her talent for embroidery as well as some people she meets along the way helps her along.
Which book is this? Homeless Bird (Gloria Whelan)
The future predicted in this novel is rather grim, but the year this future was predicted for (which also serves as the title of this novel) has already passed, and we have not fallen to the conditions that plague the fictional world of Oceania .
Which book is this? 1984 (George Orwell)
This story offers the tale that the first man to fly was not recorded because the short flight was used to save a life and a country, not just for show.
A brilliant boy who was wrongly imprisoned on the smaller of two islands was inspired by his murdered mentor to be one of the masterminds behind this fantastic flight!
What book is this? Airman (Eoin Colfer)
- The Ravenous Reader
The one Ring to rule them all is finally destroyed in this novel, and a king finally returns to claim his throne.
Which book is this? Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (JRR Tolkien)
- The Book Vault
This teenager becomes a spy after his uncle, whom he thought held a boring bank job but was actually a secret agent, was killed. This is the start of his saga and spy adventures as he trains and investigates a man who is donating his ground-breaking computers to schools across London . With the intelligence agency believing that there is something sinister behind his hugely generous move, this young spy is sent to investigate.
Which book is this? Stormbreaker (Anthony Horowitz)
Thanks to everyone who participated! And a special little shout-out to Lucile, who was the only one who got the riddle for August 24th correct! Thank you!
And for all of you who are wondering where my review for Death By Latte went, it'll be up again tomorrow. I just wanted to get this announcement up since it's already been delayed (unfortunately, my computer is still giving me issues, maybe I should've asked for a new computer for my birthday, huh?)!
Congratualations everybody!
Dominique, those riddles were awesome!
Awesome! Congrats to all the winners! =D
Congrats to all!
Shoot, I only got 3 out of all. And I knew I should've done the Giver! But I never read it so I was doubting myself. >3>;
Big congrats to the winners! What a genius contest idea, and I was glad to be a small part of it! Thanks.
this was a fun contest! Congratulations to all the winners. :)
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