Taking the Olympic motto as its title, Swifter, Higher, Stronger provides background information on how Pierre de Coubertin helped the modern Olympics come alive. Although the modern Olympics had a humble start, the Olympics have now become a gathering of hundreds of nations and thousands of the top athletes in the world for weeks of competition and a chance for immortal glory. Swifter, Higher, Stronger is filled with information on history, key Olympics, some interesting records, past host nations, and information on some well known athletes, like Michael Phelps.
This guide made for a very interesting read and there were many fantastic color pictures! It’s up-to-date for the 2008 Olympics going on right now, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking for some background information on the Olympics!
This seems good! I'm really liking the olympics this year. Go America! USA! USA!
Neat! I never read sports books (except for Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys, and that's stretching the definition) but that sounds cool. Yes, the Olympics are addictive. Good thing they only happen every four years.
I was actually discussing the slogan with my brother who thinks that events that don't have anything to do with swifter, higher, stronger shouldn't be in the olympics. Like baseball for example. Or badmiton.
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