Yet, Serena has followed Kori’s bold ideas; getting multiple piercings, sneaking out for midnight smokes, beers, and dare-devil tricks at the dam. But this pair is about to face something completely different that may just change their lives…
For one class, Serena and Kori have been instructed to “tempt fate” by writing 5 things down that they wish would happen, no matter how unlikely. Not a strong believer in fate, Serena blows off the assignment, not taking it seriously and believes that nothing will happen. She believes that Kori may have acted similarly with her own list, but when tragedy strikes, Serena finds herself with Kori’s list and finds herself the only person that could complete it. And the list wasn’t as ordinary and thoughtless as Serena had thought it would be. Can she complete this list and puzzle out her best friend’s last wishes, or will Kori’s deepest desires be left undone?
Serena cannot help but feel slightly clueless as to how and where to begin to tempt fate for Kori—and feel that she has just discovered a new and hidden side of Kori. But as Serena tries to complete Kori’s list, she will go on an unforgettable journey that will teach her not only more about Kori and her past, but more about her own past as well. Serena has some growing to do, some things to learn, and some believing to do, and her dark but fulfilling journey may do just that so she can learn to understand Kori’s views.
Undone was a bit of a dark novel, but very refreshing and thoughtful as well! It was undoubtedly well written and thought-provoking! A nice change from the more chick-lit type and drama filled books, I really enjoyed reading Undone and could hardly put it down until I had finished the whole book! I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a darker and more thought-stimulating novel that may just get you thinking a bit more about your own life and your ways of tempting fate.
A very striking cover, don't you think? Melissa Walker did a cover story on Undone! Personally, I'm loving these cover stories--they really interesting behind-the-scenes look on how these covers came about! Check out Melissa Walker's cover story for Undone here!
Melissa rules for her cover stories! It's basically a dream come true for me :) I love book cover back stories.
The cover is amazing! Great review btw!
Yay, you just made me extra excited about reading this (although it sounded good before), and it's perfect time because it's in my next library (a.k.a. next batch of books to read) bag right now. :-)
This will be the next one I buy when I am allowed to buy books again...
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