Zombie outbreak? Not quite! But I am giving away 3 copies of the upcoming release, Dust by , which features a teenager girl and her own zombie story!

Here's a quick blurb:
Nine years ago, Jessie had a family. Now, she has a gang.
Nine years ago, Jessie was a vegetarian. Now, she eats very fresh meat.
Nine years ago, Jessie was in a car crash and died. Nine years ago, Jessie was human.
Now, she’s not.
After she was buried, Jessie awoke and tore through the earth to arise, reborn, as a zombie. Jessie’s gang is the Fly-by-Nights. She loves the ancient, skeletal Florian and his memories of time gone by. She’s in love with Joe, a maggot-infested corpse. They fight, hunt, dance together as one—something humans can never understand. There are dark places humans have learned to avoid, lest they run into the zombie gangs.
But now, Jessie and the Fly-by-Nights have seen new creatures in the woods—things not human and not zombie. A strange new illness has flamed up out of nowhere, causing the undeads to become more alive and the living to exist on the brink of death. As bits and pieces of the truth fall around Jessie, like the flesh off her bones, she’ll have to choose between looking away or staring down the madness—and hanging onto everything she has come to know as life…
Check out the book trailers:
Reminds you of those old Public Service Announcements, doesn't it?
Interested in winning a copy of Dust? Just comment on this post with your:
- Name
- Answer this question: What would you do to defend yourself in case of a zombie outbreak? Run for the hills? Grab a shotgun? Be creative! Give a tip against zombies or your #1 zombie survival rule!
- extra entries (if you so desire)
- +5 if you are or become a follower of The Book Vault
- +5 if you follow/start following me on Twitter (@BookVault01)
- +5 if you add The Book Vault to your blogroll
- +3 if you post or tweet about this giveaway elsewhere--just include the link!
Don't forget to check out the official website for Dust!
Giveaway open to US residents only, no PO Boxes please. Sorry!
Please enter by 9/15/10, midnight EST.
Good luck!
Please enter by 9/15/10, midnight EST.
Good luck!
Summary courtesy of GoodReads. Thank you to Penguin for donating the prizes!
Do I dare to hope that this is international? D: Because that is one interesting book.
autumn.crochet (at) gmail.com
+5 I'm a follower of your blog via GFC
+5 I follow you on twitter (@galvezbookgirl)
Please enter me if this is International. Thanks!
+5 if you are or become a follower of The Book Vault
+5 if you follow/start following me on Twitter (Misha_1989)
+5 if you add The Book Vault to your blogroll
Maddie McPhail
+5 if you are or become a follower of The Book Vault
+5 if you follow/start following me on Twitter (@BookVault01)
follower +5
I have never read a zombie book but this one has got my attention.
hey, I'm really sorry guys; this isn't an international contest :( sorry for the mix up
the question: I don't know much about zombies but I thought they were afraid of fire. At any rate. i prefer a firearm of some sort. i would hate to get close enough to a zombie to set it on fire!
What would I do? Ah ha, yes. I would run while 'pfffting', running my fingers through my hair and screaming wildly. Then when I trip and fall, I'll roll over and push myself back as the zombie stands tall over me. The zombie will want to do whatever zombies do (lol- haven't read a zombie book!!!) but then there will be this strobe of glittering light that comes from behind the zombie.
*PHEW* Edward saved me ;-)
Hahahah. Yeah, I think I need to find a Surviving Zombies book just in case.
+10 Total (@areadersrecord)
How to survive an outbreak of zombies? Watch the movie Zombieland! It's hysterically funny and it has every tip you need like Cardio! and The Double Tap! It's funny and informative.
I'm not entering the contest, but I do have an award for you back at my blog! Congrats! :)
To survive a zombie apocalypse, I would entrench myself in a Costco for as long as possible. :)
I'm a big wimp, so I'd probably hide under my bed and try not to whimper.
+5 GFC follower
annemarie.morand(at) gmail(dot) com
I'd call the winchester's brothers !
+5 blog follower
+5 twitter follower
•Name: Abhishek Duggal
•Email: forsurveysonly at gmail dot com
•Answer: I'd give them a copy of your book and distract them.
Caitlin (ScarrletReader)
Hmmm... to survive the zombies I'd store away inside and ice cream truck or something. And and tip for zombie survival: If you're boyfriends tells you you're good enough to devour, run.
+5 I'm a follower
+5 follow you on twitter (@ScarrletReader)
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd probably run for the hills, I'm not that brave.
+5 GFC follower
+5 Twitter follower as BookOwner
Linda Henderson
seriousreader at live dot com
Kailia Sage
twilightforever.edward at gmail do com
Anything. Grab as many weapons as needed. Maybe I’d learn some martial arts to kick off some heads and stuff!
Extra entries:
+5 follower through GCF
+5 follow on Twitter @KailiaSage
+3 tweeted: http://twitter.com/KailiaSage/status/22414358084
I've never heard of this before but after seeing your vlog, it's something I'm interested in!
My info: Amber Mitchell- potterhead22@yahoo.com
My answer: The first thing I'd do is grab my copy of Zombieland and start taking notes. They survived so they have to know something!
+5 for following you here!
+3 for posting about the contest in a post and on my sidebar! (http://amberinblunderland.blogspot.com/2010/08/tell-me-about-your-contests.html)
Thanks for holding such a great contest!
Do whatever it takes to survive with whatever weapon I can find.
Weng-Him C.
I would learn mind control and take over the zombies to create my own personal zombie army.
Whoo Hoo Number 1 rule is RUN!! Zombies are usually slow :)
Adriane C
+5 - I now follow on GFC!
Won't be able to outrun a zombie. Been watching Criss Angel's Mindfreak. Will do the same disappearing act!
+5 Twitter follower, same name
+5 Google follower
I'm not sure that I would be able to outrun a zombie, so I would have to be resourceful. I would grab some sporks and use those to fend off the zombies since zombies are only afraid of something as unnatural as themselves. And after all, what is more unnatural than a combination of a fork and a spoon?
•+5 if you are or become a follower of The Book Vault
Andrea Bellar
If there was a zombie outbreak I would definitly be grabbing my shotgun, since I would prefer not to be eaten.
+5 I follow you on twitter (twitter id- dani0424)
+5 I am a follower of the book vault
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