Luckily I've found a few hours to curl up with a few books and plenty of tea (who doesn't like a nice mug of tea or hot coco on a windy day?) this weekend--so much better than staring at textbooks for hours and hours! Look for a new review & hopefully a giveaway soon!
Any other tea fans out there?? My friend recently bought some chai for us to share and then introduced me to a new website--Adagio Teas. I bought some white tea and a blend or two and after spending almost an hour browsing their website, I'm scared my wallet will soon take a beating!! Anyone else a tea fan or use Adagio Teas? Got any tea recommendations for me? I've only got my little bag of white tea and a few green tea (mango flavor!!) bags left so I might have to indulge myself with a purchase :)
I've also apparently got a few $5 gift certificates to send out if you're new to Adagio Teas like me! They have some pretty good deals--I got my white tea for $2! Shipping is pretty cheap too, so it's a very tasty deal! Just comment with your email address if you want a $5 certificate and I'll send one to you!
Happy reading everyone!