I met lots of wonderful authors and great fellow bloggers!! I finally got to meet Melissa Walker, Elizabeth Scott, Libba Bray, Susane Colasanti, Michael Northrup, and soooo many other wonderful authors! They are the nicest bunch of people! Melissa is such a sweet person (she's getting married in July!! congrats!! =D), Libba Bray is hilarious!, and everyone is just so nice!
I'm so glad I got to meet so many of you! I really had a fantastic evening. And thanks to all the generous authors who donated copies of their books to ravenous readers like me! I was lucky enough to get a copy of Perfect You by Elizabeth Scott and I'm loving the book so far!
I hope I'll have pictures up soon!
Anyone going to BEA? I'm gonna try to see if I can go, but I'm still working on that :P
But once again, thanks to the fantastic bloggers and all their hard work in organizing this event!! Please visit their sites!! :D
oh, and just a side note, Facebook took the liberty of deleating my account a few weeks ago, so my appologies if anyone tried to reach me through that :(